Friday, April 25, 2008

Dell Truelife or non?

The thing about making a buy online is you don't get to see, touch, smell, whatever. However there's no stopping one from trying to find out more by a few clicks. Read about a review here and it is enough for me to decide not to opt for it.

However as you read it in my previous post, I had a laptop with the glossy truelife screen. I've finally decide that I would go through the hassle of changing it to a matte screen rather than living with the glossy one and probably curse and kick myself in the future days.

Initially I was told that they would treat it as a new order whereby I'll have to send back the laptop they send to me earlier and they would deliver a new one for me... and of course I'll have to wait for another 2 weeks probably. With my pc monitor not in very good condition currently, I'll probably left laptop/pc-less but I guess I could live with it. Anyway, it was decided later that they would send their engineer to change it for me as I ordered a printer together. Reason being if I need to send back the laptop, it has to go together with the printer.

Anyway, I had the screen changed just this evening... and I am so glad that I changed it. No doubt the colour was sharper with truelife but the matte one wasn't all that bad. And yes, I would rather pick a less sharper colour but WITHOUT all the reflection. It's annoying that I could see myself everytime I visit a dark colour blog or website, regardless if I pin my hair up, didn't comb my hair or whatsoever... I'm not pretty ok, I don't need to see myself so often to remind myself about it.

Or the irritation every single time my mother pulled off the curtain to go to the balcony during daytime. Of course, you could argue that I could learn to train myself not to get distracted with all the reflection but why should I when there is another better choice? Also yes, I could move myself away from my usual place in front of the tv, next to the door and sit at another spot but... why should I? Why should I compromise for the screen when I just love to sit in front of the tv when I work on my pc?

Having said all that, for the feel of it. This is how my dell truelife looks like... I took a few pictures of it before I had it changed.

And this is from the same angle, purposely making it to face the door as well... on a non truelife screen.

Well... anyhow it's all up to one's preference. I think the truelife does makes the colour looks sharper but personally to me, I don't see it as very significant. Instead, I am truly happy with this matte screen :D

Side note: Hungry... weird

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