Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fish Feeding

Side note: A little kind picture to nullify the pessimistic post below

Friday, February 22, 2008

Half empty glass

Were there times when you feel a little down in the dumps and wanted a company, regardless of hanging out at the mamak stall, sipping a cuppa at the coffee corner or just sitting at the swing outside your house? And that sometimes it is just that one person who you wish to keep you company when that stupid nagging thought continuously tugging at the end of the corner of your heart, adding heaps of weight with every of its tug?

Were there times when there are certain facts that you wish you never learned? Cos learning it distort someone's image in your heart. Changing from something good to something less good or bad. Maybe that was a blessing in disguise, for all we know deep down in everybody live a little bitch, even in fictions. Remember Dumbledore and Snape? The good one is not all good while the evil one isn't totally evil. Or when you received forwarded emails telling you there's always someone who loves you but it never did mention that at the same time there's always someone who hates you.

There's always two side of a coin. For all we know people might said they do so and so for the benefit of us but the truth behind probably benefits them the most. Or you heard, "I didn't want to hurt your feelings," but the truth is their every actions cuts through your heart.

Side note:
CALVIN: Know what I pray for?
CALVIN: The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference.
HOBBES: You should lead an interesting life.
CALVIN: Oh, I already DO!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Egg roll - The Sequel

For the benefit of the friend who enquire about the egg roll. Here's the pic of the one I bought, its one of the cheapest I can find. Of course those found in HK or Macau are simply delicious.

Side note: I finished the egg roll dy :(

Studious February

February is the month where I studied that 2 big books without pictures... before CNY, during CNY and after CNY. If the stake is not so expensive, probably I wouldn't have been so hardworking.

Oh well... the 500 bucks bet that I placed in January, today is results day. Today, I "redeemed" the 500 bucks and certificate. I've never study so much since I dont remember when, despite there are so many other things more tempting, I did try to finish skimming the whole 400 over pages books. Remembering or not is another story though.

Anyway, mission accomplished. And... another new year resolution completed - I wrote, "Learn something new or brush up a skill/knowledge. Be it learning how to play rubik cube, brush up my Chinese Language or photography skills, take LOMA (gasp!)... anything that fulfills that"
So there... I took LOMA paper 280 and 290 today and passed.

However, there's more to read up... but this I'll gladly do cos its reading up on Vietnam!! :)

Side note: So now I shall diligently read the LP and nurse my flu

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Egg Roll

I said, "I want to eat egg roll"

Mom said, "What flavour?"

Sister said, "How does it look like? Got picture ar?"

Me: = ="

Side note: In the end, I realised mom bought kuih kapit = ="
Anyways, happy CNY. Cant seem to publish it over at sis's house

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


It was a dull day in November. The rain was pouring cats and dogs. She sat in the attic with the small window overlooking a boring alley. In her hands, was this painting. A very messy one.

It started out as a simple and nice painting. Carefully painted with patience. Somehow the more she painted, the messier it became. Holding it up, she looked at the painting.

"Should I try to patch it with some colours? Would it be worse off?"

"Should I just leave it? Then it would be messy and ugly?"

"Or I should just throw it away? But I've spend so much time on it."

She picked up the brush but stopped midway, not too sure if she should continue. Putting the brush down, it didnt feel good.

She held up the painting again. Still unsure how to proceed...

Side note: Paintings... reminded me of this HK drama I watched.. shrug

Friday, February 1, 2008


You thought...

Anger has overcome you, but somehow you felt peace within

Bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush, but sometimes it is just not so simple

Crying sometimes make things more bearable, but sometimes it only makes the eyes in pain

Dogs are man's best friend, and you are right

Emails are a great invention, but receiving a snail mail gives a happy feel

Failure is a sad thing, but sometimes it is motivating

Grass are greener on the other side of the pasture, but it turned out to be only patches of weeds

Holding on is the best option available, but letting go sometimes is better than the best

Internet is a wonderful tool, but people commented it reduces interaction (shrug)

Jack of all trade but master of none is not very good but not knowing anything is even worse

Keeping in touch is not hard, but sometimes you felt you didnt know what to say

Lying makes things easier to accept, but keeping a lie as a lie is not easy

Moon seems to shine on its own, but actually it is only reflecting the light from the sun

Nobody saw you cry, but sometimes people realise things that you thought they didnt see

Other path is always the right one, but sometimes the one you are on is not too bad either

Pride in doing something is good, but pride also comes before a fall

Quitting is cowardice action but it might takes a lot of courage to do so

Resting to go a longer way and maybe its true, otherwise people dont go for holidays

Sticks and stones might hurt your bone, but words hurt even more

Time heal wounds but it also make you remember

Understanding is being overrated, people are more often being misunderstood

Venting anger is a bad thing but bottle it up in yourself isn't very healthy either

Words are encouraging, but often times it discourages more

Xiamen is a city in China... and of course it is :P

You were right, only to found out that you are wrong all along

Zen is a proper noun but it is not valid word in Facebook/Scrabulous

Side note: That nagging thought it back pricking at the back of my head, telling me to drop this and starts afresh again. Craps