Friday, February 22, 2008

Half empty glass

Were there times when you feel a little down in the dumps and wanted a company, regardless of hanging out at the mamak stall, sipping a cuppa at the coffee corner or just sitting at the swing outside your house? And that sometimes it is just that one person who you wish to keep you company when that stupid nagging thought continuously tugging at the end of the corner of your heart, adding heaps of weight with every of its tug?

Were there times when there are certain facts that you wish you never learned? Cos learning it distort someone's image in your heart. Changing from something good to something less good or bad. Maybe that was a blessing in disguise, for all we know deep down in everybody live a little bitch, even in fictions. Remember Dumbledore and Snape? The good one is not all good while the evil one isn't totally evil. Or when you received forwarded emails telling you there's always someone who loves you but it never did mention that at the same time there's always someone who hates you.

There's always two side of a coin. For all we know people might said they do so and so for the benefit of us but the truth behind probably benefits them the most. Or you heard, "I didn't want to hurt your feelings," but the truth is their every actions cuts through your heart.

Side note:
CALVIN: Know what I pray for?
CALVIN: The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference.
HOBBES: You should lead an interesting life.
CALVIN: Oh, I already DO!

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