Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Studious February

February is the month where I studied that 2 big books without pictures... before CNY, during CNY and after CNY. If the stake is not so expensive, probably I wouldn't have been so hardworking.

Oh well... the 500 bucks bet that I placed in January, today is results day. Today, I "redeemed" the 500 bucks and certificate. I've never study so much since I dont remember when, despite there are so many other things more tempting, I did try to finish skimming the whole 400 over pages books. Remembering or not is another story though.

Anyway, mission accomplished. And... another new year resolution completed - I wrote, "Learn something new or brush up a skill/knowledge. Be it learning how to play rubik cube, brush up my Chinese Language or photography skills, take LOMA (gasp!)... anything that fulfills that"
So there... I took LOMA paper 280 and 290 today and passed.

However, there's more to read up... but this I'll gladly do cos its reading up on Vietnam!! :)

Side note: So now I shall diligently read the LP and nurse my flu

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