Sunday, December 30, 2007

10 things I did for my shoes

It all started out last week with my sports shoes being wet and dirty. I thought... I might as well give it a little clean. Murphy's law was out to get me at the very day I decided to clean my shoes, it rained. Rained and rained but I dried shoes under the running fan, it thought it was thoroughly dry but it wasnt and it has this dampy smell. I was trying to avoid wetting the poor shoes again, I decided to give it a few sprays of Febreeze.

And.. things got WORSE.
It's like this... initially it got smell A which was bad
Then with the Febreeze.. it got smell B which was worse
So when smell A + smell B = worst

And so.. Operation Shoe Odour Removal started...

  1. Sprayed it with febreeze which worsen the condition (see explanation above)
  2. Endure the smell the whole day, it was like this acidic stench and mom used to say if i simply smell things, my nose would drop off, in this case, I seriously think it would
  3. I dont wear heels often, only during formal dinners but as shoes were wet (from the Febreeze, apparently it didnt dry enough) and smelly, I borrowed shoes from Little P (which happen to be a pair of heels) and I had to run in it. This Pig Angel & Little P crossed road dangerously. Tsk... tsk...
  4. Had to borrow hair dryer from Little P to ensure it is dry enough since I dare not risk to put it at the balcony in case it rains.
  5. Googled for ways to remove the odour. Got one site said to wrap it up & put in the freezer. (Read: I did not do that, rest assured)
  6. Bought baking soda and pour in shoes base, it was said to be able to remove odour... think it reduces the smell but the combination of dampy+Febreeze smell was a bit too much
  7. Soaked the shoes overnight before I scrubbed the sole
  8. Even scrubbed it with body shampoo to really kill the smell (thank goodness, it work)
  9. Brought it down to the public dryer to dry. It makes so much noise that I had to pretend to be innocent when every uncles and aunties looked at the dryer and stared at me
  10. Fan it throughout night and day
Lesson learnt. I wont simply spray it with anything anymore

Side note: A friend was kind enough to loan me this spray. He said can remove odour from shoes. Said he has been using it... but when I saw the spray today, the label read as "Foot Spray". = ="

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sense of belonging

Of late, I cant seem to locate it.
Where it is hiding, I can't seek.
Where it is kept, I dont remember.
Seems to be invisible, as I cant see

Friday, December 21, 2007


One of the Christmas present I got this year... is this...

Not the ear. The stud, along with the piercing
The last time I had ear piercing was when I was back in kindergarten. Think my mom took out the earring cos the piercing caused infection then and that was that and I never wear any earring since then. Friends has been pestering me to get it done again but I was not very keen. Don't ask me why I agreed to it later on but anyway, hey, thanks for the Christmas present.

And speaking of this present that wasn't wrapped up, it reminded me of these Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. This particular present couldn't be wrap up literally as I cant imagine having my ear plastered with celaphone tape all over it and figuratively, it reminds me of the giver in some ways... despite *ahem* he said I don't understand analogy *ahem*.

Anyway, here are the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip that I've really, really like and I remember it ever since I read it years ago.

Side note: Today is one of my colleague's last day at work. And this colleague is one of my very dear friend. I'll miss having him around but doesn't mean I not happy for him. I'm sure he would do great in his new job.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


A friend sketched me a portrait...= =

Side note: The cigarette looks way more appealing than me = =

Friday, December 14, 2007

FULL-filling blood donation drive

It has been a while since I donate blood via a donation drive. Actually this is only the second time I donated blood outside the blood bank itself. The first time was when I was still studying in uni.

Aside from convenience as you dont have to travel to the blood bank, it really doesnt feel very nice as while you lying there waiting for your blood to drip down, people who walked passed will just stare and stare = ="

Last sunday I decided to grab some stationery from the nearby Popular bookstore at Pearl Point. I got this weird habit of doing things when I watch TV, like iron the clothes while watching TV or wrapping my books or working. Maybe its a way to con myself that so long I'm working on something else as well it doesnt seem like I'm so much of a couch potato.

Anyway, coincidentally they have this blood donation drive at the common area outside Popular. The last time I donated blood was about more than a year ago and so I thought what the heck. By that time, my tummy was growling and I know I shouldnt donate blood if I'm hungry so I bought myself a waffle & started munching before I registered.

Doctor: Sudah makan? (Eaten already?)
Me: Ya, sudah (Yes, already)

Doctor reconfirmed my answers to the question and proceed to take my BP

Doctor: Eh, rendahlah BP (Eh, your BP low)... It was 100/60
Me: Ya kah tapi selalu macam tu lar (Really? Usually its that range)
Doctor: Tadi makan apa? (What did you eat just now?)
Me: Erm.. waffle
Doctor: Patut lar. Pergi makan dulu (No wonder, go eat first)
Me: ....

And so... from me planning to go back home and cook the simple plain porridge for lunch, I went down and had a plate of chicken rice and sugar cane drink, addition to the earlier waffle. Anyway, much to the doctor's delight that after I had that chicken rice, my BP raised to 110/70

... and was one of the most FULL-filling blood donation I went :P

Side note: Do you know that after having ear piercing, one is not allowed to donate blood for at least 1 year?
And yes, before I chicken out...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Traveler IQ Challenge

Currently I'm hooked to this game where a friend introduced to me in Facebook. Oh well, she ironically she no longer plays the game but I'm the one hooked and I went on and get my friends to play *evil grin*

Anyway, it is a very simple game. A place name will be given to you and you just proceed to nail it down to the map and points are given based on accuracy and speed. Which means, the nearer you nail it to the exact location, the higher points you will get. Easy right? Beats me why I'm so hook to the game.

Anyway, now I dont have to log in to Facebook to play cos I'm "embeded" to my blog :P (just scroll down to the end). However you will need to play it at Facebook for score keeping.

As of now I can only reach level 8 :(
There is a total of 12 levels and there are a lot of people manage to reach there (you'll know if you log in and play via Facebook)

Oh well... have fun playing :)

Side note: I have better get back to studying. Countdown to exam - less than 3 hours