Friday, December 21, 2007


One of the Christmas present I got this year... is this...

Not the ear. The stud, along with the piercing
The last time I had ear piercing was when I was back in kindergarten. Think my mom took out the earring cos the piercing caused infection then and that was that and I never wear any earring since then. Friends has been pestering me to get it done again but I was not very keen. Don't ask me why I agreed to it later on but anyway, hey, thanks for the Christmas present.

And speaking of this present that wasn't wrapped up, it reminded me of these Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. This particular present couldn't be wrap up literally as I cant imagine having my ear plastered with celaphone tape all over it and figuratively, it reminds me of the giver in some ways... despite *ahem* he said I don't understand analogy *ahem*.

Anyway, here are the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip that I've really, really like and I remember it ever since I read it years ago.

Side note: Today is one of my colleague's last day at work. And this colleague is one of my very dear friend. I'll miss having him around but doesn't mean I not happy for him. I'm sure he would do great in his new job.

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