Friday, December 14, 2007

FULL-filling blood donation drive

It has been a while since I donate blood via a donation drive. Actually this is only the second time I donated blood outside the blood bank itself. The first time was when I was still studying in uni.

Aside from convenience as you dont have to travel to the blood bank, it really doesnt feel very nice as while you lying there waiting for your blood to drip down, people who walked passed will just stare and stare = ="

Last sunday I decided to grab some stationery from the nearby Popular bookstore at Pearl Point. I got this weird habit of doing things when I watch TV, like iron the clothes while watching TV or wrapping my books or working. Maybe its a way to con myself that so long I'm working on something else as well it doesnt seem like I'm so much of a couch potato.

Anyway, coincidentally they have this blood donation drive at the common area outside Popular. The last time I donated blood was about more than a year ago and so I thought what the heck. By that time, my tummy was growling and I know I shouldnt donate blood if I'm hungry so I bought myself a waffle & started munching before I registered.

Doctor: Sudah makan? (Eaten already?)
Me: Ya, sudah (Yes, already)

Doctor reconfirmed my answers to the question and proceed to take my BP

Doctor: Eh, rendahlah BP (Eh, your BP low)... It was 100/60
Me: Ya kah tapi selalu macam tu lar (Really? Usually its that range)
Doctor: Tadi makan apa? (What did you eat just now?)
Me: Erm.. waffle
Doctor: Patut lar. Pergi makan dulu (No wonder, go eat first)
Me: ....

And so... from me planning to go back home and cook the simple plain porridge for lunch, I went down and had a plate of chicken rice and sugar cane drink, addition to the earlier waffle. Anyway, much to the doctor's delight that after I had that chicken rice, my BP raised to 110/70

... and was one of the most FULL-filling blood donation I went :P

Side note: Do you know that after having ear piercing, one is not allowed to donate blood for at least 1 year?
And yes, before I chicken out...