Saturday, April 27, 2024

VIC: Mount Baw Baw

Mount Baw Baw is a snow resort located closest to Melbourne. I tagged along a ski trip with sister and family during their visit to Melbourne. I was going to skip posting about this as I have zero contribution to this trip. But.. here are a couple photos since I have taken them. Sis and brother-in-law planned everything - accommodation, getting to Mt Baw Baw and ski lesson. I pretty much just needed to pack my own bag and go, even then - I forgot my gloves. Haha. 

We went in July and the snowfall wasn't great. It was our first time skiing except for my BIL so sis and I were mostly at the magic carpet area. The kids were doing much better than us. 

Magic carpet

Side note: Niece said looking at phone is anti-social but reading isn't haha


  1. My initial reaction ... that's a tiny amount of snow for a ski hill! And then it dawned on me that many of Canada's local ski hills are also heading in the same direction, in this age of climate change.

    1. Very tiny.. more green than white really, but Mt Baw Baw is popular because of the distance from Melbourne. There are better ski hills, hopefully better but I've not been.
