Saturday, April 27, 2024

VIC: Mount Baw Baw

Mount Baw Baw is a snow resort located closest to Melbourne. I tagged along a ski trip with sister and family during their visit to Melbourne. I was going to skip posting about this as I have zero contribution to this trip. But.. here are a couple photos since I have taken them. Sis and brother-in-law planned everything - accommodation, getting to Mt Baw Baw and ski lesson. I pretty much just needed to pack my own bag and go, even then - I forgot my gloves. Haha. 

We went in July and the snowfall wasn't great. It was our first time skiing except for my BIL so sis and I were mostly at the magic carpet area. The kids were doing much better than us. 

Magic carpet

Side note: Niece said looking at phone is anti-social but reading isn't haha