Saturday, November 5, 2022

NSW: The Riverboat Postman in Brooklyn

Brooklyn is a town in NSW surrounded by Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It occupies a strip of waterfront along the southern bank of the Hawkesbury River. Best part is, Brooklyn is accessible via train - Hawkesbury River Station. 

I've been to Hawkesbury River once many years ago but didn't do much. Such coincidence that it was also rainy day this round. I still didn't do much this round but manage to catch the Riverboat Postman cruise. The regular cruise runs on weekdays and nowadays I am only ever in Sydney for work without any extension days so it gets a little tricky to get on the cruise. Anyway the last round I was in Sydney, it was a couple of days prior to a Melbourne's public holiday, plus the government announced an additional public holiday due to Queen's demise so I ended up with 2 free days in Sydney for roaming. 

I like the idea of it - getting on a traditional cruise that started the run in 1910. They serve coffee or tea with home-made ANZAC biscuits for morning tea. As the mail delivery cruise is a 3 hour cruise, lunch is included in the ticket and consists of a Ploughman's style plate with shaved ham, cheese, tomato, zucchini, carrot, lettuce, pickled onions, bread roll, pickles, fruit chutney, butter & Italian dressing. 

However on 'execution', I did feel that it's not something I enjoy as a solo traveller, especially since the weather wasn't great that day and I can't spend the whole time outside. Whilst inside the ferry, I was seated with other commuters and felt a little awkward. It is not the issue with the cruise, of course. 

The cruise is actually a functioning riverboat postman and they deliver to settlements of Dangar and Milson Islands, Kangaroo Point, Bar Point, Marlow Creek, Fisherman's Point and Milson's Passage before returning to Brooklyn by about 1.15pm. On the day of my cruise, there was only 1 delivery plus they dropped of a family of 3 who were visiting their family. 

Well, it could be an option if you are after something else that the more usual Sydney attractions. :)

Side note: I should do something before the weekend slips away...


  1. I did a little mailboat ride to some remote settlements in my home country too ... except it was less than an hour long, with no food on board, and braving a torrential rainstorm that particular day. Yours sounds way more relaxing.

    1. oh no.. hope your ride wasn't too choppy with the torrential rainstorm. My trip sounded like a luxury now.
