Saturday, January 15, 2022

VIC: Around Bright

War Memorial... thought I have a daytime shot but... shrug

As mentioned in my previous post, Bright is a town located in the northestern of Victoria. Bright had a reported population of about 2,400 recorded in 2016. It was named after John Bright, a British statesman. 

The town isn't big but there are a lot of options for food, shopping, newsagent, a Woolworths supermarket and many bars to choose from. 

Dr Mauve Bar & Lounge

Chinese restaurant that reminded me of some abandoned house -__-

Mr. Pom is actually a juice & sanga bar

A lolly shop that strategically next to a dentist

Christmas tree because it was just days before Christmas

There's a cinema too that I didn't enter

The Alpine Hotel which also has a bar/bistro, important to know as the Vline bus stop is just here

Also entered this one but also didn't buy anything... shop above, taken at different day and time

A book shop... I entered but didn't buy anything

On the way to the Dumu Balcony Cafe but left because food were not served then

... so I went to to Cherry Walk Cafe instead

Side note: Kōshien (甲子園) ^^

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