Sunday, July 7, 2019

Fukuoka 福岡: Transport, Stay and Orientation

Hakata station
Fukuoka 福岡 is the capital city of of Fukuoka Prefecture. Interestingly though, the JR station that serve this city is JR Hakata station, and not Fukuoka station. Story was that Hakata and Fukuoka were 2 separate city, one with strong culture and econonic base and the latter a castle town with samurai culture. Between them was the Nakagawa river. When the 2 cities were combined, after heated debate and arguments, Fukuoka won the title and hence the city name is Fukuoka-shi. A new train station that was being built at a similar time was named Hakata station instead.

Getting to Fukuoka from Beppu
I took a non-stop shinkansen Sonic 48, scheduled 17:18 and estimated arrival at 19:30. Very straightforward. It felt a little strange when I arrived in Hakata Station as this was by far the biggest station of all the ones I've been, and the difference was obvious even though Hakata is nowhere as big as the stations in Tokyo.

Fukuoka City Subway 2 day pass
I stayed in Fukuoka for 2 nights and picked up a 2-day subway pass. There are a variety of options to choose from depending on your needs. I went for a 2-day subway pass, ¥720. As indicated by the name of the pass, only subway but for 2 days.

It came with a guide book with map, suggested course and some discount vouchers.

Source: Fukuoka City Subway (exclusive to overseas tourists) 2 day pass guide book with special benefits

Hostel TOKI
The obvious areas to stay are Tenjin, Hakata or the ones in between the two. I stayed in Hakata because I would be travelling out of Fukuoka via train and access to Hakata Station would be more convenient. I stayed in Hostel TOKI which was at least 15 minutes walk away because the reviews were very good. 15 minutes walk isn't long but long enough that if I forgot something I would be lazy to make a trip back. I just had to make sure I don't forget anything, I guess.

I stayed in the 6-beds female dorm and all the beds were occupied on the days I was there. It was comfortable and clean. No breakfast or towel provided but toiletries, coffee and tea were included. I was also given a voucher upon checked in to redeem a drink. Options were orange juice, umeshu and another drink that I cannot remember, probably cold tea.

Side note: I wish flight tickets during Christmas-New Year period is less expensive!

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