Wednesday, May 2, 2018

New Zealand: Capital city Wellington

The capital city of New Zealand is known as the Windy Wellington, said to be the world's windiest city. The few people I know who came from Wellington have one thing in common. They always think the weather is too warm, even in Melbourne winter. Growing up in Wellington must given them ample of training to withstand the cold weather.

Our stay in Wellington was fairly short, arrived on 30th December for dinner and departed late afternoon the next day. No planned itinerary or activities for Wellington but I managed to catch up with my previous manager which was good. He brought me to a dim sum place named Big Thumb. I was on best behaviour so no photos of food, but here's one of the shop. 

The Chinese character doesn't match the English name...
There are plenty of photographic evidences for the other meal though. Our only dinner meal was at Crab Shack, it was excellent! There was a queue when we got there but if we chose to sit outside it would be a shorter wait. The catch was that once we were seated outside, we were not allowed to move our seats inside. It wasn't cold and we had our jackets so we agreed to sitting outside. It did, however, got colder towards the night. 

Soft shell crab taco
Clam chowder in a jar ($10)
Chipotle Slaw - to pretend that we didn't neglect our veges
500g Blue swimmer crab with The classic: chilli garlic butter finished w lemon and parsley ($50)
1/2 pound of prawns: king prawns in a lemongrass & chilli tomato sauce w coriander, spring onion & crispy shallots ($25)
Moroccan spiced calamari ($16)
I spent the next day walking around by myself, taking a scenic walk from the apartment we stayed in to Big Thumb and more scenic walk back to the apartment to meet up with the rest. I think they went flowers hunting or something. 

I walked on Cuba Street, went inside a refurbished Embassy Theatre, round the waterfront back to Quest Serviced Apartment where we stayed the night before. 

Likewise it's name, Cuba Street gives the bohemia feel but historically, it is not relcated to the Caribbean island of the same name. 

Bucket Fountain

Some other street arts or little things around the city. 

I was introduced to Embassy Theatre by my ex-boss and his wife due to its history, and just round the corner from Big Thumb. The theatre is an old style cinema, refurnished of course but retained it's charm. It was also where the Middle-Earth made its debut in cinema. 

I kid you not, this is the toilet. 

Here are photos not of toilet. 

I'll finish up with photos of the waterfront. I was told if you want to, you could walk along the waters all the way to the airport ;)

Side note: If I have more time in Wellington, would love to check out Weta Cave!

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