Thursday, April 26, 2018

New Zealand: Of Lake Taupo and carbo loading

We reached Taupo in the evening, following dropping by Te Puia and Huka Falls after. As the title name, that was all we did, Lake Taupo and food. Actually, Lake Taupo is the largest lake by surface are in New Zealand. With a perimeter of approximately 193 km, it would take effort and every intention to ignore it.

My photos on Lake Taupo were taken from the town area on the day we arrived. The other on our way back to Taupo following a little excursion the next day.

Different day
Different day
Food wise, we had 2 meals in Taupo, carbohydrate laden dinner at Dixie Brown's and the other, a forgettable Thai food. The initial restaurant we decided seem to have closed down, so we just went across the road to a nearby Thai food.

The #LOVETAUPO sign is pretty much opposite Dixie Brown's. MMC and I went across to take some photos while Little P and spouse waited for a table to be available inside the restaurant. Weather at the time was exactly like how the photo was taken - gloomy. What the photo missed was how windy it was that day.

For some reason the atmosphere in the restaurant reminded me of American eatery (think TGIF). The food was pretty good. MMC and I were going to do a hike the next day, so our share of food was very carbohydrate heavy.

MMC's stuffed toy "Sadness" at work - modelling with the ice coffee
Pork belly and caramelized apple and creamy blue cheese sauce, NZD 27.90
Spaghetti Meatballs - Delicate Italian meatballs in a rich napolitana sauce with fresh basil and parmesan, NZD 25.90
From the food description, I'm quite sure I picked the pizza and the pasta was MMC's choice. Of late I have soft spot for blue cheese.. haha... yes, I eat smelly tofu, durian and blue cheese.

I am not sure why I don't have Little P's choice of Pork Belly but here's Y's Rump and Calamari.

Spot the hidden rump steak
If you noticed the trend, MMC and I were the ones who took photos of our food while Little P and Y don't, so usually we tried to be fast when we took photos of their food.

Side note: Didn't recall the ink in my black pen was running out or I have discarded it but how is it that I only have blue pens left.. *old age*


  1. Kinda curious why MMC chosen Sadness instead of Joy. Hahaha.
    By the way, the spaghetti meatballs seems to be pricey for me but oh well, it's NZ anyway. Pizza wise, it's look delicious especially added with pork (which impossible to find in Malaysia). Hehehe

    1. Haha.. she does have Joy but Sadness gets to travel usually. Haha, she finds Sadness cute.
      Yes, agree the pasta was pricey especially for just meatballs. I find NZ can be even more expensive than Australia!
