Friday, August 25, 2017

Western Europe: Germany - Day trip to St Goar, Koblenz and Oberwesel

Cheat photo - obviously taken from Rhine River but it shows Burg Rheinfels...
Travelling by myself means not able to take advantage of the Rheinland-Pfalz deal that make it cheaper for more than one person. I ended up buying single ticket for all of them. If I go according the train stops, it would make sense to start with Oberwesel, St Goar and Koblenz but I wanted to visit the castle in the morning. So it was St Goar, Koblenz and Oberwesel, in that order. 

It was cloudy with the sky threaten to rain and I forgot my rain jacket. 

Lucky for me it didn't rain till I was almost to the entrance of the castle.

Burg Rheinfels was once the mightiest fortress on the Rhine. It was built in 1245 for toll-collection, I spend a good few hours going around the galleries though there were some parts being blocked of due to safety purposes.

I was given a piece of paper with map and description along with the path to follow. By the time I finished, it started raining again. I sought shelter at the gift shop outside the castle, taking exceptionally long to check out the souvenirs on sale. Even that, the rain was still quite heavy. I stood outside at the car park for a bit and watched a newly wed couple got into a car and drove away. After 'sending off' another two cars, I decided to just brave the rain and made my way down to the town again.

Next station, Koblenz.

This was the first place I actually see other Asians in the train station. Ha! I have no specific plans in Koblenz so I just strolled to the Löhr-strasse shopping street and see if I can find the elusive magic pencils that for my nieces. I went shop after shop but none carry the pencils. The rate I asked, if this is pasar malam in Malaysia (night market), I'm sure a week later I would see all the stalls selling them! I realised that the pencils that my sister showed me was made in Austria, I found a good 'substitute' (I hope), that is made in Germany - Staedtler of course ;)

Also saw stalls selling currywurst so I decided to give it a try as I am nowhere near Berlin. I'm hoping the versions in Berlin will taste much better.

A random building which I think the mural is pretty cool.

Then we go back to the historic town halls and Middle Ages in the form of Oberwesel.

Haagsturm / Roter Turm
Oberwesel if known for its 3km long medieval town walls with 16 guard towers. One can climb up on the walls at many points and a few of the towers are open to public.

The round tower in the above photo was formerly known as the Red Tower. It's current name is Haagsturm, after Carl Hagg who established a workshop here in 1865.

This - Ochsenturm was described of looking like an exclamation mark. it is unique amongst the town's towers and demonstrates power and confidence of medieval Oberwesel.

St Martinskirche
It is a charming place but for some unknown reason I kept on walking to the wrong or opposite direction to where I wanted to. That must be the reason why it was the day I clocked the highest steps... from all the wrong turns I took. -__-"

The day that started off with rain ended with glorious sunshine, in fact it was so hot that I treated myself to a gelato though I don't really any excuse to have one. :P

Meet Riesling-Wein Eis... umm.. just sounded interesting but if you have a choice, pick the drink and another ice-cream flavour. ;)


Train tickets price:
Bacharach to St Goar €3.90
St Goar to Koblenz €8.00
Koblenz to Oberwesel €8.00
Oberwesel to Bacharach €2.60

Side note: It has been a long time since I so desperately needed a blanket day

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