Sunday, April 23, 2017

Ballarat: Eureka Stockade Memorial

Eureka Stockade Memorial
In the midst of my trying to stay focus in my annual study period (Please let me pass my paper!), I decided that I need to, um, reward myself. So I signed myself up for a day trip to the Grampians. I turned to my best friend Google on which tour operators offer day trip to Grampians and there are not too many. In fact, I came down to just 2 tour operators but decided to go with Go West after checking the places on offer and Tripadvisor. Unfortunately what both tour operators offer are slightly different or it would have made the decision a little easier.

Public transport isn't easy to get to Grampians, I am not keen on the idea of renting a car to drive there by myself, so I decided to go with the easiest but least desirable option - day tour (I am not exactly excited on joining tours).

I'll break the posts into 2, to start with Ballarat as we stopped here for morning tea and on the times I didn't zone out, I did learn some interesting tidbits.

Ballarat is a city located west-north-west of Melbourne. It is arguably the most significant Victoria era gold rush boomtom in Victoria.

A rebellion that happened In 1854, instigated by gold miners in Ballarat due to miners objecting to the expense of a miner's license, taxation via the license, etc. This rebellion is known as the Eureka Stockade, named after the 'Eureka lead', a deep lead of gold being mined by the diggers. As for stockade, it was a makeshift wooden barricade enclosing about an acre of the goldfields.

The stockade is considered the only example in Australia where armed rebellion led to reform of unfair laws. It is said to be the crucial stepping stone towards democracy for the country.

Due to the significance of this event, formerly known as Spencer Street Station was renamed as Southern Cross Station to mark the 150th anniversary of the stockade.

Source: Photo courtesy from
I also find it interesting that the Eureka Tower in Melbourne CBD was designed with the thought of the Eureka Rebellion. The use of blue glass and white stripes symbolises both the Eureka flag and a surveyor's measuring staff. The red stripe represents the blood spilled on the goldfields.

Otherwise, we only did a short stop there for morning tea. We were provided with 3 different types of cakes - blueberry, a banana bread looking one and one that looks like butter cake but doesn't taste like one. Drinks on offered were some varieties of teabags, instant coffee powder and hot chocolate powder with milk and hot water, of course.

There's a pond with some ducks in the area as well.

Side note: Random things I learnt today - Crying like a cupcake (Llorar como una magdalena)
Magdalena referring to Mary Magdalena or Mary Madgalene from the Bible, who is known for crying and magdalena is also name for small cakes. Hence the joke/reference. 

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