Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sri Lanka: Observation car in train ride from Ohiya to Ella

Taken by S because she was sitting at the window seat
This is the only photo of the head of the train even though it is a little blur, taken by S as she was at the window seat. Ok, back to observation carriage.

How much did it cost?
LKR 1,000 / ~USD 6.80 / ~AUD 9.10

Can one buy the tickets in advance?
Yes, we bought ours in Kandy Station, 3 days before our travel (I think one could buy it even more further in advance).

How was it? 
On the train we took, it was the last carriage of the train and our seats were at the last row which means we had the whole of the view. In other words, we were facing the opposite direction of the direction of the moving train.

We had the whole of the view and my friend had the side too but on our seats, none of the windows could be opened. There were also curtains which you could pull over in case of scorching sun but it also a nuisance when trying to take photo. In addition to that, if the windows were dirty, then you will have that patch of dirt on every photo you took.

Was it worth it? 
It wasn't expensive comparatively to railway travel in many countries and yes, it had a reserved seat and it was good knowing we don't have to rush and be kiasu to get a seat. The seats could be reclined too. That being said, if I am given a choice of a cheaper train ride in 2nd or even 3rd class reserved seat, I'll go for that.

The Ohiya to Ella leg
Getting on the train from Ohiya is a little tricky, in the sense that one would need to have some muscles in lifting yourself and your luggage up the train. The train arrived in the middle tracks, meaning you don't get on the train from the platform, instead you'll need to carry your luggage (and yourself, of course) down from the platform and walked to the middle of the tracks and heaved your things up the train.

The scenery was ok, I prefer the scenery between Nuwara Eliya to Ohiya. The distance wasn't far from Ohiya to Ella but somehow there were a lot of waiting time. The train just stop at the station waiting for something or someone but I don't know of what.

Side note: Addicted to ginger-y snacks, gingerbread man, ginger crackers... 

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