Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sri Lanka: Elephants spotting at Minneriya National Park

Initially I wanted to do Yala National Park as it is famous for leopards spotting but it closes at certain month in the year which coincide with the time we were in Sri Lanka. Then I found out that Minneriya National Park is close to Habarana and we could see elephants there. So Minneriya National Park it is.

We booked our safari with the B&B we stayed. Entrance fee to Minneriya National Park was LKR 3,000 / ~AUD 27 / ~USD 20 pp; jeep ~LKR 1,000 / ~AUD 9 / ~USD 7 pp. There were four of us splitting the cost of the jeep. Coincidentally a couple from Netherlands wanted to go at the same time, so it reduces the price of the jeep. The jeep came to pick us up at about 2:30 PM from the B&B.

There were many other jeeps doing the same thing but as the national park was big, it doesn't feel crowded though you will definitely see many other jeeps during elephant sightings. There were definitely other animals aside of elephants at the national park.

We saw a peacock while trying to spot elephants
Yes, it was as hot as it looked. The ride was bumpy and I couldn't really get a good shot and trying not to fall over the jeep. Though as all the jeeps got nearer to the elephants, they will slow down and eventually come to a stop so everybody get to observe the elephants in a relative quiet environment and not disturb them.

At one point I was worried that we would not spot any elephants... and that would be such a disappointment. Well, luckily my worry was needless as we saw many of them.

We were allowed to get off the jeep at one of the viewing point but compare that with seeing wild elephants up close, that's nothing to shout about.

Dinner was rice and curry at the B&B (included in the price we paid). We left Habarana the next morning.

Side note: Wonder where can I find Sri Lankan rice and curry that taste like the ones I had in Sri Lanka... mmm.. 

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