Saturday, August 13, 2016

Sydney: 2 working (eating) days

I wrote about how i missed a photo opportunity where another plane was at sight but I was busy eating before grabbing my camera. Well I saw it again but this was already getting pretty close to Sydney Airport so... but if I don't say it, it isn't obvious from up above is it? Grin.

I was back in Sydney quite unexpectedly. Well, to me, I didn't see any pressing issues for the need to fly but obviously I am not the bosses. It was a short trip, only 2 full days - flying in on a Wednesday morning and out Thursday evening... and that gave me 1 breakfast, 2 lunches and 1 dinner. Not too bad.

What did I managed to squeeze in the 2 days (aside from full day working, of course)? 3 separate catch ups with friends and a lot of food.

One of the regular ex-colleague I that always catch up with when I find myself in Sydney brought me to this Korean restaurant- Danjee. It was introduced to her by a Korean and I am convinced it is good stuff, completed by a lane way entrance on Albion Place. Both of us had the standard lunch box special which set us back $16 (actually set my friend back $32 as she very kindly shouted me lunch). I personally think it is good value as you can see the amount of food, complete with a bowl of seaweed soup.

After lunch, we crossed over to 580 George Street to Alice's Makan to grab some kuih as dessert or afternoon tea. By the time we got there, only kuih lapis were left on the shop counter. Seri muka were sold out, only a sign indicating seri muka were available was left.

Of course we went back to work thereafter. I met up with another friend after logging off work at 5 PM. As she is a model wife and needing to get home to cook for her husband, it was a quick catch up over hot chocolate. We just went to a cafe in Westfield's food court, just because they were still trading at that time.

I checked myself in for the accommodation (will write about that in the next post) and unload my things before making my way towards Central station area. We had Thai food this round, instead of our usual Japanese meals. This is another restaurant that I haven't been prior to this - Green Peppercorn. All photos are courtesy of E.

Durian shake ($7.50).. must be stated that they added coconut milk in these... not good as it meant it diluted the durian taste. 
Spring rolls ($9.90) and charcoal satay skewers ($10.90)
Chicken feet salad ($13.90) - I did try to be adventurous and tried the chicken feet.. not my cup of 'feet'
Pad Thai ($25.90)
Fried ice-cream ($14)
It didn't end here, we then walked over to Koi and got ourselves some cakes. Lol. There were some very nice description but I could only remember something something lemon and something something matcha. Haha.

The lemon cake was exceptionally delicate, by the time I walked back to the hotel the lemon chantilly cream has fallen off the cake = ="

After all the calories input, I decided to pretend to be healthier and woke up for a little swim the next morning. A little swim worked out my hunger so I walked to Surry Hills and had breakfast. :P

Mmm.. ok, I'll come clean. For some strange reason I had cravings to eat HK egg waffle. It is strange because I have never taste it before... so it doesn't really make sense why I had cravings for egg waffle. Anyways, to appease the cravings I rocked up to Haven and had this.

I was trying to do a quick snap and didn't realised that I was actually focusing on the wrong thing... but well, at least now I have a photo of the background eh.. haha.

Must have coffee - Macchiato. The day is better with coffee. 
I was indecisive between black sesame or red bean/green tea but decided will go with the black sesame. So "Sexy Me" it was - black sesame cream mochi, black sesame sauce, sesame chips, vanilla bean ice-cream, lemon zest, mint, classic plain waffle.

Lunch time plan was to grab more cakes! In the ideal world, I would grab some cakes from BlackStar Pastry (now that they are in Kinokuniya!) and had ramen at Ippudo but I left work for lunch late so there was a queue outside Ippudo :(

These are cheat photos of the cakes because I didn't have time to. The cakes had to endure some rough handling and by the time I reached Sydney, cakes had turned into a lumpy mess. I sent some crying stickers over LINE to E and S and they very kindly send me their copy of photos! Hahaa.

The famous Strawberry Watermelon Cake
Raspberry Lychee Cake
Lunch? I just bought a couple of sushi rolls as lunch. So that was how I ate my way around Sydney ;)

Side note: 如果他总为别人撑伞, 你何苦非得为他等在雨中

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