Sunday, February 14, 2016

Central Asia: Itinerary for 3 weeks in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakstan

 - Some notes on applying for Uzbekistan visa
 - Getting free accommodation during transit from China Southern Airlines
 - Booking Uzbekistan Airways online
 - Breakdown of travel days and links to accommodation.
 - Uzbekistan's favourite sons and some random tips on travelling around Uzbekistan

China: Urumqi
Day 1 - Layover in Urumqi

Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek
Day 2 - Getting to Bishkek and things to do in Bishkek

Kyrgyzstan: Kochkor/Song Kul
Day 3
 - Getting to Kochkor and organising things with CBT.
 - Lunch in Kochkor before travelling to Song Kul

Kyrgyzstan: Song Kul
Day 4 - Yurt stay and things to do at Song Kul

Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek
Day 5 and 6 - Back to Bishkek for Kyrgyzstan's Independence Day, Ala Archa National Park and Osh Bazaar

Day 7 - Mini fright at Manas Airport and errand day in Tashkent.

Uzbekistan: Tashkent
Day 7 and 8 - Things to see/do in Tashkent
Day 9 - Travelling to Khiva

Uzbekistan: Khiva
Day 10 - Day trip to Elliq Qala
Day 11 and 12 - Things to see/do in Khiva

Uzbekistan: Khiva/Bukhara
Day 13 - Wonder if the somsa I didn't get to eat is yummy

Uzbekistan: Bukhara
Day 14 and 15: Things to see/do in Bukhara, complete with a hammam experience

Uzbekistan: Nurata/Kyzyl Kum Desert
Day 16 - Pit stop at Nurata before a yurt overnighting in Kyzyl Kum Desert

Uzbekistan: Nuratau Mountains
Day 17
 - A visit to Lake Aydar and maybe a Kazakh village of Dungalak.
 - Then we had a homestay at Asraf Village

Uzbekistan: Nuratau Mountains/Samarkand
Day 18 - A quick visit to Uhum Bazaar before we were off to Samarkand

Uzbekistan: Samarkand
Day 19 and 20 - Things to see/do in Samarkand.

Kazakhstan: Tashkent/Almaty
Day 21 - Travelling day

Kazakhstan: Almaty
Day 22 and 23: Things to see/do in Almaty and a super sized "small plate chicken" - xiaopanji (小盘鸡).

China: Urumqi
Day 24 - Overnight transit in Urumqi, dashed through Guangzhou before landed home in Melbourne.

Side note: Ok, this is the last of my scheduled posts. I've been staggering on the published date and have to be on a break now... to study again. Got to pass this exam... back soon! ^^


  1. Good luck and all the best to you for your upcoming exam. I really enjoyed this post and I wish more bloggers could actually summarise their travelogues to make our life more easier.

  2. Oh my giddy aunt! This is what you miss when you disappear for months on end: Cubie's gone to Central Asia, and there's a wealth of stories waiting to be read, enjoyed, envied.

    Exam? What exam? All the best, break a leg, go get 'em!

    Now let me indulge myself with your stories and your photos ...

    1. Haha... Welcome back!
      Some paper part of to pass to get reimbursed! Grin. Thank you!
