Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Central Asia: Uzbekistan - Things to See/Do in Bukhara Part 2

1. Covered Bazaars
There are three domed bazaars, renovated since Soviet times were specialised bazaar in Bukhara. In the past, Taki-Sarrafon (moneycharges), Taki-Telpak Furushon (cap makers) and Taki-Zargaron (jewellers). All three are now specialised in selling souvenirs...lol

Taki-Zargaron Bazaar
Taki-Telpak Furushon Bazaar

2. Char Minar
This historic building is like a miniature building. This is a little away from Lyabi-Haus area within the alleys but not too hard to locate. Along the way, you'll see a hotel with an almost same name to trick your eyes :P

Char Minar was a gatehouse to a medressa that was built in 1807. The medressa was now long gone. Char Minar means "Four Minarets" in Tajik but these are not really minarets but decorative towers.

When we were there, there was a traveller with a guide. I overheard the guide saying that on one of the decorative tower written "1997", that was when Char Minar was rebuild.

3. Fayzulla Khojaev House
Fayzulla Khojaev is a Bukharan statesman in the 1930's. He was one of the leaders of a party who was against the Emir of Bukhara at that time. He was born in the family of a wealthy trader, Ubaydullokhoja. This house museum belonged to his father who was a rich merchant. It was evident that Fayzulla Khojaev House is a luxurious building and located in a famous neighbourhood Goziyon. There are a few rooms that are open to public as well as the kitchen. There's also a restaurant inside the house museum compound.
Entrance fee: UZS4500 pp + UZS3,000 per camera.

4. Food, of course :)
We asked the B&B owner and restaurant for specialty food in Bukhara and were recommended jis.

Jis beef
And of course we got to try Bukhara's version of plov - there was quill egg in this version.

Our favourite eating place was on a tapchan which is like a table placed on a raised platform. Best place to eat and then sleep right after. :P

5. Hammam 
There were two bathhouse recommended in Lonely Planet. Our eyes must've got something over it or something that we cannot find the one nearer to our B&B. So we went to the other one andit was a women only bathhouse... details in next post ;)

Side note: We even stopped and ask a kind lady how she tie the scarf on her head. I'm not sure if it's illusion but having a scarf covering the head actually feels less hot!

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