Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan - Osh Bazaar

I find the non (bread) fascinating... aren't they pretty?
Osh Bazaar is one of the largest bazaars in Bishkek. It is on the west side of the town. I've read that people cautioning on avoiding "undercover policemen" in Osh Bazaar and to be careful of belongings. Fortunately for us, we were not approached by any and people basically just left us alone, though there were many staring eyes. Mmm.. the people we met who chatted with us were rather surprised to learn that we are Malaysians, maybe not too many Malaysians travel to Kyrgyzstan, so the staring is probably unavoidable.

It was scorching hot so we didn't linger too long, bought some fruits and took another marshrutka back to the hostel. Public transports in Central Asia are driven without switching on the air conditioner, shared taxi included. So I was the sticky and smelly foreigner.

See the toilet rolls on the most left? That's the infamous toilet paper you find in public toilet.. there are good ones but BYO on the safe side ;)

Side note: Any plans for Christmas? 


  1. It is the same loo paper in all of the former USSR.

    1. ah.. I didn't know.. interesting to note ;)

  2. The breads on display sure look interesting.
