Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan - Getting to Song Kul

Yes - this is the photo of the blog banner
The scenery changes and the temperature dropped the further we were away from Kochkor. I might be bias here but really, this place is absolutely stunning. So I'm going to play cheat and just put up some photos for this post.

Side note: 48 sleeps to Christmas! Lol


  1. Stunning scenery ... this is the Central Asia that most travelers dream of. What was your cold weather gear like?

    1. lol - my cold weather gear is almost non-existence. The rest of the place is well in summer but I travelled from Melbourne which was winter (mild compared to many places) so I had a uniqlo ultralight down feather jacket. Layered that with a hoodie, light scarf and cap...

    2. Wow ... was that enough or did you wish you had a couple more layers?

    3. It would definitely more comfortable with a couple more layers and a beanie!
