Sunday, May 17, 2015

VIC: Phillip Island

Phillip Island is almost equate to penguin parade. It was the same for us, the main aim was to catch the penguin parade. Of course, there are other attractions but penguin parade wins all. We went on a Easter Sunday and didn't foresee that the tickets for the parade were all sold out when we reached Phillip Island. It was about 5 PM then, so we only managed to visit the Pannys Phillip Island Chocolate Factory.

Chocolate penguins

Chocolate high heels
A boy who was there in the shop told me these wall were made of real chocolate... I don't know if they are for sure...

We asked for some samples to try but didn't really like it though I am not sure if we were too disappointed from not being able to see the penguin parade after a 2 hour drive. We had dinner and departed home... and tried again the next day.

Disappointment needs to be remedied, so off we went to see those penguins again. This time we had a bit more time to pop over to The Nobbies, had an early dinner before making our way to the parade.

The photos are all a little gloomy but that's what Melbourne is at the moment, grey and cold. Especially since we were at the sea, it was even colder. We were equipped with beanies, winter jackets, gloves and scarves while waiting for the penguins to return home. We got the 'general viewing' tickets at $24.50 per person. You can also purchase online here. Photos are prohibited to protect our little friends. So you would need to visit Phillip Island for yourselves to see the cute little penguins. ^^

Side note: Am tempted to have a cuppa of coffee... 


  1. Penguins, ocean, wide open spaces, chocolate. I think you may have discovered paradise. Oh. Wait. Where's the nearest bookshop, or does Amazon deliver? :)

    1. Haha.. it's not a big town but not that small either.. so am fairly sure Amazon delivers, maybe with a premium price though :P
