Saturday, May 2, 2015

Hopetoun Tea Rooms

If you have walked into The Block Arcade before you would probably notice a big glass window showcasing beautiful desserts.

Next to this big glass window, there's usually a queue to get into a particular tea room. This place is Hopetoun Tea Rooms.

We returned to this eatery to celebrate Little P's be-early birthday. Many restaurants here have a specials menu and Hopetoun is one of them. Little P blogged about this two years back and because the food we ordered were from their specials menu, they no longer serve those. This round we had seafood risotto. I really enjoyed the risotto.. yumm..

Then come dessert (of course!), we had two - another item from the specials menu which was the sticky date sponge cake and a lime pie to share.

Oh.. and my flat white. Little P is a tea drinker, so mint tea for her (and yes, I know this is a tea room...)

Side note: Happy be-early birthday Little P! ^^


  1. oh, drool over the desserts display!

    1. hehe..yes, so there's always people stop to take photos!

  2. Replies
    1. hehe.. come visit and I'll bring you to Sherlock Holmes for a meal or drinks and then cakes here!
