Sunday, May 24, 2015

Frankston: Sand Sculpture Australia - “Friends, Foes & Super Heroes”

Ok. First things first - because I am in some slow-motion-timing this sand sculpture event has ended for the year 2015. But fear not, I heard this thing is an annual event so there will always be next year.

My initial perception before seeing it was it would be a much bigger event but it was actually quite smallish. Entrance fee was $13.50 per person. I took a train to Frankston and walked to the event site, meeting sis, BIL and little niece there. They met with a friend for brunch and I was being anti-social.

Coming out from Frankston station
It wasn't a long walk from the Frankston train station and the weather was perfect with white clouds dotting the ever blue sky.

It wasn't a long walk but I have no idea how to get there without google maps. I have not been to this suburb before but I noticed a family who looked like they were heading to the beach so I ended up following them. Hehe :)

The sand sculptures were not on the beach though but at a closed off area nearby. I reached before sis and co, so I lingered a little at the front waiting for them. Plus I was starving and texted sis to grab me some food :P

It was a Monday past Easter Sunday on our day of visit and there was an egg hunt activity too. Basically the sand sculptors had sculpted some eggs and we are to count them. Even if you got the count wrong, you still get a chocolate egg, or two. Lol. Anyway, here goes...

Winnie the Pooh and friends

Master Yoda

Darth Vader and co

Jabba the Hut

The adorable R2-D2 and C3PO

The Avengers



Peter Pan

The Incredibles

You know them...
Little niece was actually more interested in playing with the sand than looking at any of the sculptures. And yes, this is a lazy post - more pictures than words.

Side note: Time to roll on the bed again!


  1. Cubie, no. NO. Stoppit! You are make me so homesick it's ... just ... aaargh! Wine, vineyards, beaches. I'm going to crawl into a corner now and sob. PS: Stunning photos. PPS: Thank you. PPPS: Damnit.

    1. Yes - wine, vineyards, beaches and chocolates!

  2. Hi Cubie,

    I'm glad to have found your blog. I read several articles on your blog and I think it is very useful for the tourists.

    Let me introduce myself, My name is Sam Wong, a HongKonger who love travel. Two months ago, I had created a travel site which aims to connect the bloggers and the tourists. Bloggers can share the link of their articles about an interesting place and let tourists find the useful travel articles more easily. I know you love travel and write a lots of articles about travel, so I would like to invite you to join our community , share your articles and photos, let more tourists can know more about your story. Imagine that each bloggers share one interesting place, then we can build a great travel guide! Look for your reply, hope you all the best =)

    Sam Wong

    1. Hi Sam, thank you for your comment. As you can see I am not very regular in blogging/posting, so it is probably not a good time. Good luck in your site though! :)
