Saturday, April 18, 2015

Licence to ...

If this is really part of my KPI at work, I would be rated "needs development". I can't even remember the reason but after a long 6 years in Australia, I suddenly decided to take up a driving licence here. I'm sure there's something not right in my head when I could've taken the driving test in NSW where there is no hook turns or trams, I didn't.

Australia is not very forgiving when you don't have a driving licence. It doubles as a identity card here, rather than like in Malaysia where IC rules all. Malaysian driving licence unfortunately is not one of the recognized licence where you could just convert. Yes, Malaysians are required to take a practical driving test to have a licence here. In short, start from scratch.

Driving licence in Australia is state governed, so staying in Victoria it is VicRoads. I don't recall the expense of getting a licence in Malaysia and I was sponsored by my father (thanks Dad!) but it certainly isn't cheap here. Also thanks to Little P and her uncle who was willing to loan me the house car and let me practise my measly parking skill.

Car learner permit knowledge test..................$ 38.90
New learner permit........................................$ 22.50
Hazard Perception Test..................................$ 33.70
Driving lessons (6 hours)................................$ 306.00
Car practical driving test.................................$ 57.70
Driving license test includes 90 mins lesson.....$ 190.00
10 years full license........................................$253.60

Passed in first attempt.....................................Priceless

Side note: Am hungry again... 

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