Friday, March 27, 2015

Sydney: Part 2 - Food

Ok.. I know this is a little strange because Melbourne is known as the food capital but when I find myself in Sydney I'll go food hunting.

I was in Sydney at about the time when I blogged about Polish food so I had super craving for Polish food. There's actually a good, homely Polish Club in Melbourne which I haven't been yet but there is one within walking distance from Sydney CBD so I went there first. I went to Alchemy in Surry Hills on the same night I touched down in Sydney. Power of craving.

I wished they do pierogi in starter size but they don't and I really wanted both pierogi and a pork goulash. I had both by myself. They served the pork goulash with fried potato pancake. Neither of the dishes brought me back to Krakow of Warsaw but I like the pierogi not so the pork goulash. Would I go back again? Probably not because it was quite expensive, both the dishes total up to $50. Thank goodness I could claimed it under dinner allowance.

Dinner on day 2 was of course, Ippudo. If you have read my blog posts for a bit, you would know I tried to visit Ippudo every time I am in Sydney.

I was indecisive between Karaka Men or Akamaru but I went with Akamaru because it comes with pork belly without having to order the special. I was good on day two because after resting I went for a swim!

I met up with friends on day 3 and 4. I had Malaysian meal on both occasions and no pictures to show because I was too distressed to remember photographing my food. I went with a friend to Sedap. Both of us ordered nasi goreng kampung and she asked for less rice. I finished my full portion while she didn't finished her, asked for a takeaway to eat for the next day's dinner.

Day four I remembered but was trying to behave myself so I refrained from taking any pictures. My friend recommended Malacca Straits in Broadway as this shop was their favourite Malaysian eatery. We had Ikan bakar (grilled fish), chai tau kueh (fried radish cake), oyester omelette, kangkung eggplant and silken tofu with mince chicken. The food was good, it is worth a trek all the way down George Street for it. ;)

Day 5 was back to Masuya! I absolutely love the Sapporo Hot Pot with soy milk soup so I've asked my ex-classmates in Japanese class, E and S if we could go back there.

Tofu Avocado Salad

This is either Sushi Tsukiji or Sushi Tasmania I think

Sapporo Hot Pot

Green tea creme brulae
S has just returned from Tokyo and we each get a bag of goodies. ^^

Side note: Food in the house is dangerous...


  1. You have a lovely blog, Cubie. I thoroughly enjoyed both Parts I and II of this series, and your photos are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. You have a lovely blog, Cubie. I thoroughly enjoyed both Parts I and II of this series, and your photos are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing.
