Monday, March 9, 2015

Nikko 日光: Shoyo-en Garden 逍遥園 - Day and Night

Nikko is further north compared to Tokyo. The trees were pretty much still in shades of green in Tokyo but Nikko did not disappoint, in terms of change of leaves colour. 

On the way to Shoyo-en
According to the japan-guide websiteShōyō-en Garden (逍遥園) is a popular autumn leaf spot due to the arrangement of maple trees around the pond. Autumn colours peak typically around the first half of November... and we were there at first week of November ^^

Shoyo-en was our first stop after leaving Tokanso. Entrance fee ¥300. We were told that the garden were also opened at night. This was probably silly but I did ask if we could re-utilise the same ticket as it was after all, same day entrance. The answer was no but I guess no harm asking eh?

Shoyo-en translated as "Strolling Garden" in the piece of paper given to us after we paid for our entrance fee. It gives a very brief summary of Shoyo-en. Here goes...

Shoyo-en was built in the Edo period, said to be created for the purpose of strolling and enjoy the beauty of the four changing season. Shoyo-en was named by a Confucian scholar at that time (1772-1859), Issai Sato. 

Just after entering the garden
Just some pictures of the garden...

The building has some exhibition on Edo period including paintings on the Tokugawa shoguns

The garden is fairly circular as it surrounds a pond in the middle. When there is a pond, there are fishes and koi in this pond. 

For fish feeding - on honesty basis
Big koi
Ok.. one more... before we enter the night :P

We returned to Shoyo-en on the same night as we have missed the first night and travelling back in the afternoon the next day. We enjoyed our dinner so much that we almost missed the night opening hours and literally ran to the garden so we had a little more time to walk around.. speaking of obsession dedication. Yes, we paid another ¥300 entrance fee.

At this time I wished I had a tripod though it is a hassle to carry one along. No win win situation eh.

Side note: How to fix that crumbling biscotti...


  1. More stunning photos!

    1. Ah..agree! Autumn is beautiful... just that autumn in Australia is just like how it always is...
