Monday, February 23, 2015

Tokyo: Harajuku 原宿 - Shimbashi 新橋 - Akihabara 秋葉原

By the time we reached Harajuku it was already dark. We were looking for a place for dinner but can't resist having snacks before that either. I shared a crepe with Little P, I think the one we had was the "banana caramel custard whipped creme ice cream" crepe.

Straight right after that, we got the freshly made chips from Calbee Plus - maple syrup and cheese flavour.

Then, we still had dinner at some ramen shop we found. It was a ramen shop but I feel like rice, so I ordered a plate of gyoza and a simple egg rice. I left for Shimbashi for another chance to see the really big clock in animation but I heard from Little P that the shop owner wasn't too happy that we didn't order more ramen. :|

Little P and the rest had a longer dinner while I took the train off to Shimbashi. As I was a little earlier, I walked a little around the train station before walking towards Nippon TV Building. This must've been where all the clubs are located as I can see people giving out pamphlets but only to men.

After successfully catching the last scheduled time for the clock, I went to Akihabara... because I wanted to try my luck in hunting for a plaid skirt my size in Uniqlo and hoping to get a photo of 'maid' working in maid cafes. My colleagues find the concept interesting after watching a documentary about it on TV.
Both missions were a success v(^_^)v

Side note: I kept on seeing people wearing plaid skirts in Tokyo and I wanted one too but it feel strange when I am wearing it in Melbourne because nobody does = ="

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