Friday, January 23, 2015

Central Europe: Poland - Polish Food

Polish food is hearty and tasty. There's a lot of meat and cabbages but I kid you not, the Poles make good food! Just as I started on the posts on Poland, I have already googled for Polish food in Australia and shall make my way there soon. :P

Disclaimer: Some of the photos were taken with my old trusty iPhone4, but please be assured Polish food is yummy. In no particular order, here are some of the Polish food I had.

1. Pierogi
Ravioli like dumplings are like Europe's answer to Chinese dumplings. The stuffing is different though, could be meat, sauerkraut, mushrooms, cheese or fruit.

2. Golabki
I've posted this one before in the salt mine post. This is a cabbage leaves stuffed with minced meat with rice.

3. Karczek pork polska (Polish pork neck)

4. Zapieczone polskie kielbasy (Polish Grilled Sausage)

5. Chicken croquette
I had these in a 'milk bar'.

6. Kotlet sl. Z sch (pork chop) 

7. Desserts / snack
Cake gibanica
Oscypek - smoked cheese made of salted sheep milk

zlociste racuszki z gruszka (golden donut with pear)

Lody (ice-cream)

Paczek staropolski (Old Polish Donut, wild rose jam filling)

This is my last post on Central Europe (phew!) for all parties. Took me ages to write and the less-than-five person who may or may not read my blog can finally have something different to see.

I half expected the return leg to be a rushed transit again but I even had time to get myself a box of baklava and a fridge magnet from the shop. I  reckon it might be awhile before I actually do a proper visit to the Middle East, so I might as well get a fridge magnet for myself for remembrance. :P

Till then Europe, I shall return! ;)

Side note: Got to check out that Polish cake shop too!


  1. Oh goodness oh heavens ooh that looks good!

    Just a quick note to say I'm still reading your European stories, though I don't always comment. Keep on writing 'em, please, I'm learning so much that will help me during me 2015 trip.

    1. Ah, thank you! But it is the last proper post because Warsaw was my last stop. I did write another one post on Europe but that's kind of 'cheating' post though. You'll see... lol
