Sunday, January 4, 2015

Central Europe: Czech Republic - Consulting a doctor in Prague

The hospital is behind the trees :P
After my first bout of medications bought in Budapest, I had went to two different pharmacist on separate days to get different medications to cure the marathon cough that went even crazier at night. So on the third morning in Prague, I asked the receptionist at Hostel Mango to recommend a doctor. That day was also a Friday, bearing in mind that doctors are not available over the weekend. The nearest hospital was in Jewish Quarter.

Armed with a trdelník (or trdlo) and a hot cappuccino, I walked towards to Jewish Quarter. Maybe I have not met the hapy people but somehow the women in Central Europe are on the grumpier side, the men were ok. Anyway, we were told that this was due to the past communist era, where people generally don't show their happiness in public.

I don't have much experience of consulting a doctor in public hospital, let alone in Prague so I was rather blur. After asking a nurse at the reception, she said, "Third door on the left." I heard, "Third floor on my left," to which coincidentally, there was a flight of stairs on my left. I climbed up three storeys and knocked on the only door available. A lady opened the door and I explained that I wanted to see a doctor for outpatient consultation. It must've been a big joke because at least she laughed (grin!) and told me it was the third door on the left. Of course if I could read Czech this would be all unavoidable but was all good.

I went down the stairs and knocked on the correct door. A grumpy female nurse opened the door. I explained that I was hoping to see a doctor for an outpatient consultation. She closed the door and I waited outside the door. Then a female doctor opened the door. I repeated myself and all she said was, "Passport".

I was a little fazed and didn't pass her my passport straightaway, the level of annoyance on her face went up another notch and she repeated, "I'm a doctor. Give me your passport." I apologised and handed her my passport. She closed the door and I continued my wait outside the door. This time a male doctor opened the door and told me to follow him. I was quite glad that the doctor who would see me was a male doctor. At least he did not look grumpy!

After asking for the related medical history, he took my temperature by putting the thermometer under the arm. Medical history were jotted down in Czech but diagnosis was in English - as expected, it was only viral infection. At the very least, he prescribed me with codein to aid with my sleep at night (yay!). That night was the first good night sleep I had since Budapest, the same goes with the rest of my dorm mates. It was probably by luck that nobody smothered with a pillow at night... though they probably can't as I was wide awake every night. :P

Consultation costs 370 Kč (appx €14 / AUD 20), meds 180 Kč (appx €7 / AUD 10)

Side note: Do you make any new year resolutions?


  1. Glad you managed to get a good sleep after the doctor's visit.

    I am always paranoid about being sick while abroad.

    1. Ya, me too.. though I usually don't visit the doctor and tried to self medicate, that was the only time I actually consulted a doctor during my holidays

  2. Being sick on the road sucks. Both my wife and I were sick in Sichuan and had to see doctors there.

    But it's an interesting experience. How many people you know have had the experience of going to a hospital in Europe? :)

    1. Oh dear... getting sick in Sichuan sounds even worse. Hope it wasn't food poisoning!

  3. Hi! I did a google search for a photo taken at a cool graffiti site and I found your picture which has a thought bubble that reads "I'm a dreamer too". Could you please let me know where that picture is taken? Thank you!

    1. Hello. That photo was taken in at "Lennon Wall" in Little Quarter, Prague.
      Here's the google map on the location.,or.r_qf.&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ei=b_SoVOzYBIfImwXnmYLoCw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg

  4. You were sick? o.0 It's yucky to be sick while travelling. I hope you recovered quickly!

    PS: "The women are on the grumpier side." Ah, I may have found my natural habitat! :p

    PPS: I may have said this before, but here we go again: Have an extra jolly 2015, Cubie!
