Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fairfield Park Boathouse

My friend, A asked me to go for a walk on a Saturday morning and she suggested Fairfield Boathouse. It was an easy walk from home and I met her there. Umm.. despite it is more of a walk but we always end our walk with at least an iced coffee. There were once we had brunch there too. If we are planning to lose weight, we have definitely failed our objective. :P

One can also rent a rowboat out, to which we have not done that yet. Just walking around the trail, and having food at the boathouse, of course.

Side note: Another working day to a break!


  1. I am envious!

    What a nice park for a walk (or run!) around.

  2. p.s. where are you off to?

    Japan already?

    1. Yup! Flying out tomorrow night after work, will be in Tokyo by Saturday morning ^^
      p/s: have been watching Hero (2014) and it's making me super excited and looking forward to the hols!

  3. Are those bloekombome? Blue gums? So many memories of hot summers when I see those trees ...

    1. Not sure of the species but there are a lot of gum trees in Australia!
