Sunday, October 19, 2014

ACMI DreamWorks Animation - the exterior exhibition

Melman sticking his butt out at Flinders Street
This exhibition has been going on for a long time, since 10th of April. It is coming to the last weeks of the exhibition now, finishing up on the 26th Oct. I bring my camera in to work one of the Fridays and had plans with friend to catch the exhibitions but lunch time was too short, and by the time we finished eating, the hour long lunch break had passed.

So we only walkabout on the outside and after taking a couple of photos, I went back to work (yes, I did ok) :P

Penguins next to giraffe's butt :P
Entering ACMI, you will see Toothless greeting you.

And last but not least, the giraffe's face ;)
If you are interested, there's another weekend to check it out before it is closed!

Side note: I hope the sore throat will resolve itself soon...

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