Friday, June 27, 2014

Ph(f)oto Friday: Blueberry Brioche

I was on cooking duty when we were in Queenstown. During our shopping trip to get the groceries, we forgot to buy the rice. LOL. So sis, BIL and of course little niece went back to get the rice and I continued cooking.

The kitchen in Shotover Lodge (the hotel we stayed in Queenstown) is a shared industry type kitchen, something like what you see in Masterchef, no pantry though. So as I was cutting the veges and all sort of other stuff, there was a man making brioche at another work station. Even luckier was, he was at the last stages and ready to pop the brioche in the oven.

As I was waiting for sis to be back with the rice and being such a slow cook, the brioche was ready before I finished cooking and I was offered a piece. One does not say no to freshly out of the oven blueberry brioche, slather with healthy portion of butter and blueberry jam!

I must've had this blissfully happy look when I ate the brioche, as the man offered me more brioche! ^^
I didn't polished all by myself, proved by picture, little niece thoroughly enjoyed the brioche. She had the "yummy food" look on her face too! :P

Side note: Maybe I shall try my hand at baking brioche... maybe.

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