Friday, June 13, 2014

Ph(f)oto Friday: Artistic Abilities

My colleague and I would sent each other cute kitten(s) pictures when things go down hill at work to keep each other sane. One day, he sent me this picture and said that this is his attempt of drawing a kitten. He asked me what I think and if he should quit his job to become an artist.

Side note: I wanna swim like little sharkie!


  1. Hahaha

    Art is never a straight-forward thing. :P

    1. LOL - i find it cute and it did brought a smile to my face.. so i'll say its a very good attempt!

  2. So.... turned into a sharkie yet or are you waiting for the weekend? :)

    1. on the contrary - i tried (got to have disclaimer) to go swimming every Mon-Thu after work. Errr.. weekends are the lazy days actually :P

  3. I've turned this picture around, looked at it from all angles including upside down, and ... well ... to me it looks like a friendly chocolate chip cookie who's come for a visit. :D
