Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Glenorchy: Self-drive version

Wilson Bay

Glenorchy is a small settlement at the northern end of Lake Wakatipu, in the region of Otago. It is about 45 km by road from Queenstown and famed for beautiful scenary, making it one of the popular shooting scene for a few film location. Of note - Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Source: Here
One of the guide books we had in possession recommended a stop at Bennetts Bluff Lookout (on the left, 25 km from Queenstown) for an amazing view of the head of the lake. Due to lack of map and GPS, we stopped a little before Bennett Bluff at Wilson Bay - which also offers superb view. Of course, we also stopped at Bennett Bluff therafter.

TSS Earnslaw Steamship Cruise

By the time we reached Glenorchy, we just missed the Dart River tour for the day. There are certain parts of Glenorchy which are only assessible on horseback or boat. In fact, these are probably the more Middle Earth looking part too.

We did some driving around but stopped just right after the start of gravel road. We didn't know how far out was the gravel road at that time but found out the next day that despite it went on for a bit, there is an end to it. One could pressed on all the way to Paradise by normal sedan car. (Yes - I do mean Paradise)

To make things clearer, here's another map I borrowed from here.

Dash lines shows gravel road

Instead, we turned back to Glenorchy town and did a 40 minutes loop near the Glenorchy Lagoon. Little niece got a ride instead.

Side note: Lotus biscuits are so addictive = bad for me.. I think it is also known as speculoos or biscoff


  1. Oh, Cubie, you make my heart ache for the mountains, rivers and big blue sky of my own faraway southern country ...

    1. mmm.. this is after all in the southern hemisphere as well, the mountains, rivers, big blue sky with or without clouds
