Monday, May 26, 2014

Lake Pukaki and road to Mount Cook

In my earlier post, I mentioned that Lake Tekapo is the second largest of three roughly parallel lakes running north-south. Lake Pukaki is the largest. The last is Ohau. This lake, likewise Lake Tekapo has a distinctive blue colour, thanks the glacial feed from particles from glaciers.

It was quite a sight, the road from Lake Tekapo to Mount Cook. We were not able to secure any accommodation in Mount Cook, so it was a long drive day. From Lake Tekapo, detour to Mount Cook and all the way to Wanaka for overnight.

Beautiful scenaries are part of the attraction for road trips in New Zealand. In fact, we were often distracted and stopped many times to take photos along the way.

Sis dropped her phone on one of our stops, and only realised  the following stop. We turned back and Lady Luck smiled upon us. She found her phone, amongst the little rocks and grass.

As there were many photos taken at our very-frequent-stops, this is a post on some of them. :)

Side note: Results day soon...*worry mode*

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