Saturday, April 12, 2014

Daylesford: Lavandula Swiss Italian Farm

It was a hot day
Globalisation eh - Swiss Italian Farm in Australia. So, is it Swiss or Italian? According to their website, it started out with Italian-speaking Swiss immigrants. However what one find now was re-created and restored.
I don't think a lot of people associate Australia with lavender. My first encounter with endless lavender farm was in Hokkaido... I suspect that's probably with most people too ;)

The farm buildings were rustic but cosy, of course there is a big lavender farm, complete with a cafe.


It was getting a little too warm to walkabout and we took a chance to enjoy our lunch there.

Looks beautiful huh, but there were also a lot of plants debris/leftover falling all over the table when wind blows

Doesn't look a lot, but more than enough for two :)

A non purple colour lavender ice-cream
Side note: Ice-cream makes me happy ^^


  1. Chocolate ice cream would make extremely happy. ^^

    1. all these ice cream talk (here and at your blog) makes me craving for some = ="
