Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Trentham: Trentham Falls

Trentham is a township located between Woodend and Daylesford. We have initially planned to have lunch here, after our leisure walk at Hanging Rocks. I read about a farmhouse style kitchen, Du Fermier and thought we could give it a try. Somehow between many Pringles chips and an ice-cream stick, we feel like we could hold off longer without lunch.

We forgo Trentham township but made a pit stop at Trentham Falls instead. We heard about it from one of the kind lady at the information centre in Woodend where we stopped to ask for direction to the Hanging Rocks. It was just right, as it was on the way to Daylesford.

Trentham Falls is one of the longest single drop waterfalls in Victoria, at 32 meters. It wasn't a big lookout spot, and from there, it does not appear to have any trail to get nearer, maybe it is accessible from another site.

Side note: I hate moving :(


  1. Popped in for a hallo after several days' absence and silence. Also because ... waterfalls. I love waterfalls. :)

    1. Hello! Busy January eh? Mine's pack to the brim too... can't wait for it all to pass...

  2. Cubie!!!

    Thanks for the surprise package!

    Happy CNY!

    1. Hello Lina, sorry have been busy! Am glad the package made it, hope the contents survived the trip! ^^

    2. Everything in awesome condition!

      Tim tam didn't have a chance though to stand long though :P
