Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Trentham: Trentham Falls

Trentham is a township located between Woodend and Daylesford. We have initially planned to have lunch here, after our leisure walk at Hanging Rocks. I read about a farmhouse style kitchen, Du Fermier and thought we could give it a try. Somehow between many Pringles chips and an ice-cream stick, we feel like we could hold off longer without lunch.

We forgo Trentham township but made a pit stop at Trentham Falls instead. We heard about it from one of the kind lady at the information centre in Woodend where we stopped to ask for direction to the Hanging Rocks. It was just right, as it was on the way to Daylesford.

Trentham Falls is one of the longest single drop waterfalls in Victoria, at 32 meters. It wasn't a big lookout spot, and from there, it does not appear to have any trail to get nearer, maybe it is accessible from another site.

Side note: I hate moving :(

Monday, January 6, 2014

Macedon Ranges: Hanging Rock

Once upon a time (well, kind of), on 14th February in 1900, a party of schoolgirls from Appleyard College went picnic at Hanging Rocks. During the afternoon, several members of the party disappeared without a trace...
That - was when I first heard of Hanging Rocks, from my co-workers' discussion on an old(ish) movie, back in 1975 - Picnic at Hanging Rock. To be honest, I have not watched the movie and don't really have any plans to watch it, yet. Despite the lack of interest in the movie, but I do have an interest in the place though ;)

Apologies - both photos were subpar, my scanner is in storage at the moment...
There's a couple of walking track to choose from - summit walk, base walk and creek walk. Creek walk is the longest - 2,300 metres return but summit walks takes the longest time of 50 minutes (return trip).

An information brochure is available to point out some places of interest on the Rock and we did try to check them out, though I think we may have missed out a couple despite circling a couple of times at certain area = ="

Regardless, I think its a good walk to stretch the legs and enjoy the nature. Anyway, here are some we found, with sign confirming that we were looking at the correct rocks :P

Said to be Queen Mary's Profile - can you picture it?
Morgan's Blood Waterfall - umm..
Weather was great on the weekend we had our little excursion, and there were some rocks that we could climb, sit and had a snack or picnic. No picnic in our case, but we brought along water and sour cream Pringles. Not the best choice of food but it wasn't shabby when we were the only ones with snack at that time! Haha.

Anyway, back to Hanging Rock. *drum roll* (LOL)

Does it invite a pose in pretending to hold up the rock? LOL
Admittedly, it is nowhere as impressive as Ayers Rock, Pinnacles, Wave Rock, 12 Apostles, Remarkable Rocks, 3 Sisters... but I'll say it is different and unique at it's own right. [Read: Ha - now it make me realised that I have visited a fair share of rocks in Australia. Grin.]
However, I have not been to the most famous of the lot yet (Ayers Rock), got to get that fixed!
Looks like I didn't blog about Pinnacles and Wave Rock, one of these days...

We were on the hungry side after the little walk in spite of snack, however we have not pack for picnic, so we continued on our way to Trentham after an ice-cream treat.

Side note: Errr... happy new year! ^^

Friday, January 3, 2014

Ph(f)oto Friday: Street Art

This is as Melbourne as one can get ^^
From - Union Lane, off Bourke Street Mall.

Side note: Perpetually hungry... = ="