Friday, December 27, 2013

Ph(f)oto Friday: Puppy

Don't play play - I'm a tiramisu cake!
Some sort of sequel to my colleagues, D & T's story. It was D's birthday a couple of days back and T wanted to do something funny. As D is cranky and grumpy most of the time, T thought it would be funny to gift him a cute puppy cake - it's funny in terms of how the situation was. Cute dog vs grumpy D. :P

We got this 3D cake from Breadtop, an Asian franchise bakery in Australia. It comes with 3 different flavours - mixed fruit, chocolate and tiramisu. We were not quite sure which cake D likes, and the option was between chocolate and tiramisu. We ended up getting the tiramisu one, after all, we know he likes chocolate, coffee and booze! As T said, since we had the say of how the cake looks like, we will get one that he will like. ^^

Side note: Hols finally coming up!

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