Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Melbourne Night Noodle Markets 2013

This was part of noodle market, not some lantern festivals
I am not too sure why it is call noodle markets in the first place as there were other food on sale, not just noodles. In short, the market basically is just a place where some restaurants bring their food and sell/showcase outside of their usual operating eateries.

I have been to the market once in Sydney, but I heard it was the first time it was held in Melbourne, from 18th November for two weeks. Little P and I checked the market out on a Friday, the 22nd of November. Umm.. so yes - I am a failed blogger again, as the event has been completed.

We, however, had some good food though ^^

So were a lot of people too...
For entree - we had this from Chin Chin

Pork sliders with sriracha and burnt chili mayo
First course, from Longrain
Grilled chicken, rice noodles, coriander, yellow bean
Little P said the sauce reminded her of superior chu cheong fan from her hometown in Ipoh.

Second course, from Mamak. Mind you, this 6 skewers did not come cheap at all. I am sure my mother will choke on her saliva on hearing that these tiny bits of meat easily comes up to RM 27.

Satay chicken
Third course - grilled octopus from Grilled Calamari. Somehow I can't find any photo on this dish, must've been too busy gobbling up one of Davy Jone's long lost relatives. :P

Looks like the glutton one was only me, I was saved by Little P - she took a snap!

Dessert - 2 scoops of ice cream from Serendipity Icecream. Our pick - Japanese Green Tea and Sticky Fig & Honeycomb. Both were really good, though if I need to pick on it, I hope the honeycomb to be in smaller piece, rather than the big chunk.

We were ready to call it a day, then we saw these on our way out... food trucks!

We settled for Ghost Kitchen (above).

Sweet potato fries

Salt and Pepper chicken
After a very full-filling dinner, we called it a day.. after taking a couple of more shots of the lanterns.

Side note: I learnt my first Russian word - поросенок (pronounced as porosenok), meaning little pig


  1. Love the colourful lanterns!

    And man... that's a whole lot of food!

    I also will choke if I have to pay RM27 for those satay! :P

    1. I miss Malaysian food! - so bit the bullet, paid and remind myself stop converting. :|

  2. Maybe they want something different, something unique, that's why they called this market as Night Noodle Markets perhaps. I also love the colourful lantern.

  3. Why a red torii? Is that the entrance to the Japanese noodles section? ^^

    Looks like very lekker food, except that I can't eat gluten-containing noodles anymore. Though ... did they have rice noodles?

    1. mm.. it's the entrance to the whole thing. There was rice noodles on sale, and I had it! ^^
