Sunday, November 24, 2013

2013 Skechers Spring into Shape

Spring into Shape is a series of 3 runs, one each in September, October and November. We got the promotion email because we joined the expensive The Age Run. I happily moved the email to my trash bin but Little P's eyes shined at the sight of free running T if one signed up 2 out of the 3 runs.
I am now fully convinced that she practices some sort of powerful voodoo, cos I signed up for two 10km run at one go. *gulp*

We missed the Spring Race 1 in September but did Race 2 on 27th Oct and Race 3 today.
We were late for both runs, despite a lot of buffer time were planned. I hardly see any runner in front of me, and there was no one behind me either. It almost feel like I was doing some casual runs if not for the random event organisers.

Both runs were tackled with much cursing and swearing at myself for signing up. Even more so at today's, I think I started at just a mere 3 km and even contemplated to just do the 5km (1 round). LOL.

There's no finisher medal for this run but I think there were podium medals. For a signing up fee of $70 for 2 races, we received a free Skechers technical T-shirt (that's the word they use, I don't know what it's call technical T-shirt). Upon finishing, each get a bottle of water and some Emma & Tom's Juice (poured out into cups). There were booths for free massages and a booth giving out free muesli samples to promote those healthy eating.

Clearing of booths - we were fashionably late

Side note: Early night to roll on the bed... to curb the headache too


  1. Technical tee is those thouse moisture wicking tee, like those dri-fit tees. :)

    Good job on doing 2 10Ks. When and what's the next race? :P

    1. Ahh... Thank you :) I learnt something new :)
      No next race in horizon :p

  2. Spring?! Oh, wait, it's down south. :)

    Brrr. Enjoy it on behalf of this deeply suffering southern barbarian battling the northern winter ...

    1. Lovely autumn leaves to ease to the cold... No?
