Friday, September 6, 2013

Ph(f)oto Friday: Captain Crankypants

Tangelo and Lemon
One of my colleague, D was having a bad day and was grumpy. Colleague T was trying to 'stir' him and drew a grumpy face on his tangelo fruit. T said this tangelo face resembled D and called him Captain Crankypants.

Actually, prior to grumpy face on tangelo, there was another lemon with grumpy face. Grumpy-face-lemon was not in picture because D had the lemon before I took this picture. Maybe that was why he became even more grumpy :P

Despite the grumpy-face-tangelo, I find it cute, LOL.. so I drew a 'sticking tongue out' face on another lemon on D's workstation ^^

Side note: A tangelo is a cross between the grapefruit and the mandarin


  1. Thanks for my Friday smile!

    PS: I had to Google tangelo. I had no idea such a fruit existed. What does it taste like? Sweet? Sourish?

    1. Grin - it made me smile too ^^
      P/S: I didn't know of tangelo either till it was on promotion price at the supermarket so I got a couple to try. It's sweet with a hint of sourish, more towards mandarin than grapefruit.

    2. I learn about a new fruit today!

    3. Grin - it was a new one for me too ^^
