Sunday, September 1, 2013

Manga Drawing Workshop

The popular guys
Lina and Ru asked for the balance of the manga pictures, so here's a post.

So, they refer it as a workshop. Well, it was a workshop, if they said so. It was a popular table, a lot of people flocked to this table and drew together. Grin.

As I mentioned in a post before this, we tried drawing Totoro, Doraemon and Ichigo. Mmm.. Ichigo was hardest, on obvious reason. Totoro was a popular pick.

The cute ones

The warriors, not sure about the Chobit though
Mmmm.. here's my poor effort, somehow Totoro isn't as cute and Ichigo not as dashing. LOL

Side note: I have no self control over food = ="


  1. THANK YOU! ^^

    I love your Totoro. He looks a bit surprised. "Who is this strange person who's looking at me?" :D

    Ichigo? No idea who that is (I'm an idiot when it comes to manga), but he looks like a handsome fellow.

    1. Thank you! ^^
      Kurosaki Ichigo is a shinigami in a manga and anime called Bleach. Grin.
