Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rest and Relax in Wuxi

This is a library
Travellers or tourists to Wuxi generally pay a visit to Tai Lake and Lingshan Buddha. Both the two attractions however is not within the city of Wuxi and needs a little travelling.

So, instead of rushing about to both the place, I make do with a casual walk around Wuxi instead. In a way, Wuxi is like my vacation during vacation. After my friend offered to bring me around Wuxi, I happily leave out planning on Wuxi. LOL :P

Around 崇安寺 (Chong An Si) area

南禅寺 (Nan Chan Si)
It appears that the two more 'happening' place or downtown area in Wuxi have a temple - 南禅寺 (Nan Chan Si) and 崇安寺 (Chong An Si). Both areas are within walking distance, probably 20-30 minutes easy walk from one another.

Meet Ah Bing
The above place is a library, and the sculpture in front of the building is Ah Bing. Ah Bing or his full name Hua Yanjun was a folk artist born in Wuxi. Ah Bing lost sight in both his eyes following syphilis and earned his living as a street performer. Ah Bing's signature piece is 二泉映月 (Erquan Yingyue - Moonlight on the Second Spring) is a classic in Chinese erhu and pipa music.

Friend bought me a hot bubble tea, I like the naming convention - 奶茶三兄弟 (Nai cha san xiong di, 3 brothers in Milk Tea). Cute eh? There's a similar tea by other bubble tea shops but the one here is translated as Milk Tea with 3 Jellies. 3 brothers - pearls, jelly and pudding. :P

Around this two areas, there are many shops selling souvenirs, trinkets, food, etc. Also, the shop selling Wuxi's famous spareribs is also in the area. It is really good, the meat just fell off the bones. Yumm.

Friend's home cooked noodles with Wuxi pork spareribs
Here are some pictures around the area, unfortunately the photos has some noise and kind of blur. All photos in Wuxi were taken with mobile phone, somehow both times when we went out walkabout in Wuxi, both my cameras ran out of batteries. Hmm..

Side note: How come all the sleep is not enough? Zzzzz