Monday, July 29, 2013

Last Dinner in Shanghai - 海底捞 (Hǎi Dǐ Lāo)

Snacks while waiting
My friend raved about this place. The food is good but the outstanding part is the service. Of course, you can argued that the service is included in the price but let's put it that my friend is willing to pay for that. Of course they take reservation but we didn't make one, just rock in. It wasn't a very long wait, and snacks helps. They served fruits and popcorn accompanied with plum drink (酸梅汤, suān méi tāng). My friend had to remind me not to overeat the snacks and to save tummy space for the meal. :P

An ordering sheet was given upon waiting so that you could pre-order. They also provide board games, playing cards, computers and even manicure service.

According to my friend, they also provide delivery service where the delivery person would set up the hot pot and spread out all all the food on top of delivering them.

Tomato based soup
Tomato based soup as recommended by my friend. It tasted very tomato-ey in a good way, not tomato sauce/paste taste. Here are some of the food we ordered, which I happily snapped away, much to my friend's amusement.

Also not in photos is the sauce. There was a table with different types of sauce and one can mixed and matched to own liking. Prior to serving the food, they also bring some covers to protect your jacket or coat. I even get a cloth (the type which comes with glasses case) to wipe my glasses.

I went to the washroom prior to leaving and I got a shock. In a good way but nonetheless, shock because someone actually handed me tissues after I washed my hands. Umm.. I thought those things only happened in TV drama. I also realised that they will clean the toilet stalls every time someone come out from the stalls. I told my friend that it was scary! He laughed and joked that they were only short of helping him to go to toilet! :P

All in all, it was good food but the service that they sell. :)

Side note: The more frequent I run, the more I eat = ="


  1. Thanks for the review! I've always wondered about the manicure and different free services that they provide but nobody seems to mention the food. Good to hear that it's actually a decent restaurant.

    1. Ah.. yup, decent food :)
      but given all the free services, people might have just forgot to mention the food!
