Monday, June 17, 2013

Super Short 6 Days around Wuxi

So you thought the long winded China holidays posts have finished, not so soon, here's the second half of the story. The super short whirlwind days around Wuxi. Yup, not a typo there, Wuxi instead of the usual Shanghai.

The initial itinerary was:
Day 1 (Mon): Wuxi
Day 2 (Tue): Suzhou, to Tongli in evening
Day 3 (Wed): Tongli, back to Wuxi in evening
Day 4 (Thu): Shanghai
Day 5 (Fri): Shanghai
Day 6 (Sat): Shanghai, and flight out of China in the afternoon.

I was bunking to at a friend's place in Wuxi, so the flight was out from Beijing to Wuxi. Friend offered to take me around Shanghai and Wuxi. He said he could leave work early on Wednesday, even took a day off on Thursday and Friday was a public holiday in China (Qing Ming). So my itinerary was altered to:

Day 1 (Mon): Hangzhou
Day 2 (Tue): Suzhou, to Tongli noon-ish
Day 3 (Wed): Tongli, back to Wuxi by about 3ish (can't change this as room in Tongli booked)
Day 4 (Thu): Shanghai
Day 5 (Fri): Shanghai
Day 6 (Sat): Shanghai, and flight out of China in the afternoon.

Of course, the time allocated for the places are not sufficient but thought it would be good to meet up with a friend in Hangzhou and make do with what few days I can.

Side note: Winter makes me eat and eat

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