Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beijing: Song Tang Hall Museum (松堂博物馆)

Entrance to Song Tang Hall Museum
Likewise the previous destination, this was not planned. We walked passed this on our way to the Confucious Temple from Yonghegong.

Museum - checked. Courtyard house - checked. Free - checked! So off we enter!

This is a museum exhibiting folk carvings, collected from demolished houses. It is a privately owned museum and named after its owner, Li Songtang. Here's the catch - it is free to enter the gate, and roamed around the courtyard, however main hall is restricted to a fee. Apparently, chokeful of goodies were kept in the main hall but we gave this a skip.

Some stone carving

Wood carving

If it goes through the furthest, all your wishes will come true. Middle one - good for wealth, nearest - exams

Side note: I realised I keep on typing carving as craving = ="


  1. Most times, the unplanned ones are the best experience. ;)

    What the money box for? Entrance fees? Donation box?

    1. That's a donation box, entrance fees pays to the person in charge :P

  2. The Indian influence in China's temples is fascinating. That's all I wanted to say in this comment. Now let's tackle CAPTCHA again. ^^ (It took me three attempts to publish my previous comment.)

    1. I suspect they collect those from all different places and put them up in this museum.
      P/S - those CAPTCHA is a pain eh, maybe I'll test it out without the CAPTCHA and see if those spams have gone.
